Sunday, January 17, 2010


Let me start by saying that we had a great service at church this morning. Our youth pastor preached and at the end of the sermon, had all the 7-12 graders and college students gather around the alter. Then he called for their parents to come and lay hands on them, pray for and with them, that as parents we would not hinder what God is trying to do in their lives, but that we'd also pray for His will and encourage them when they feel called to do something. His sermon was about how over history God has used teens and young adults to spark revivals. Did you know that Jesus and only one other of the 12 were over 20!? I learned that this morning!

So many times, we want to "calm" the new Christians, and young people...they are told to sit still, be respectful, be reverent, be quiet. Then we tell them to worship. I've often said that I can't sing about standing on the promises of God, sitting on my backside. If I can't do it, why do I expect them to be able to do the same? I believe we have set too many boundaries on how we think worship is supposed to be. In setting boundaries on worship, we have set boundaries for them and their relationship with God...whether we realize it or not.

I decided to look up the scripture where Jesus blesses the children. Did you know that it can be found in Matthew, Mark and Luke? "Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it." Mark 10:14-15

In Matthew 18:3-6, Jesus says "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his keck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."

My point would be this: Even as adults, we are the children. We as parents are still learning and growing, but could learn alot from our children and youth about worship. We shouldn't be so stuck in the rules of the past that we can't remember what it was like to get excited about God and what He's done in our lives. That's where having the heart of a child comes into play, I think. A child is trusting, and willing to learn. Willing to try something new. Willing to admit failure. As adults we become hard to new ideas and tend to go back to "it's always worked before". As far as admitting failure, well, I'll speak for myself when I say that it is not easy and certainly not something I like to admit to my children. I want to have the heart that's always willing to learn and I never ever want to be a discouragement to another Christian or lead them to sin.

Just a little something I've been chewing on today, thought I'd share. :)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sweet Girl

Sometimes, my daughters give me the best surprises!

I have horrible, horrible migraines. Sometimes to the point that I can't lift my head without tears. Well, over the weekend, I had one of those. I was in the recliner, where I had crashed, and my 7 year old was in my room watching TV (I know, bad Mommy). After a while I heard her moving around, but didn't think too much of it because she is very rarely still! She came into the den and said with her eyes shining, "Mom! You have to come to your room and see what I have done!" I was almost afraid due to the fact that Leila is so much like just never know what to expect! As I walked into the room, holding my head, she was standing by my bed with the biggest smile! She had made my bed for me! Not only that, but she did it just like I do! Pillows, sheets folded down...whole nine yards. I asked her why she did this and all she said was "I just wanted you to have a nice made bed, you have a headache."

Sweet girl!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My strength commeth from the LORD.

Mom is home from the hospital after 14 days of the last 3 weeks...Wait, Christmas was only a few weeks ago? What has happened to the time?! Okay, on with the dish on Mom.

While in the hospital the doctors played the "No, I'm the smartest Doctor" game with her. They all had their own ideas and wanted to fight instead of treat her. At last she was cleared to come home, but I am not sure what is going to happen from here.

My Concerns:
1. The blood transfusion they gave her will only help her for now...what if she continues to lose blood? Will this mean a transfusion periodicly? How often can you do this?
2. The bacteria that she is told is in her bloodstream one day, then she is told it is gone, then it just "appears" again! How dangerous is this?
3. She is coughing. Alot. Not sure why, but it is there.
4. Are they going to remove the port? How dangerous is this procedure? Can her body take an IV every 3 weeks?

I could continue to go on with the concerns. They are all valid. I could also allow God to give me some comfort and bring scripture to my mind.

Psalm 121~I will lift up my eyes to the hills from which comes my strength. My strength comes from the LORD...

As the phone calls continued to filter through with changes, new test and her exhaustion, this is the scripture that came to mind...My students were quietly working as I looked out of my classroom window. A peace washed over me, I don't have to be strong on my own. In fact, I am in no way strong. I am weak. Weaker than weak without God. I also thought of something that I have been toying around with for a while now...Ultimate healing comes from all of our lives. While a very disturbing thought, I have to admit that Mom will never be physically healed here, that healing will only come at the throne of the LORD.

That said, I don't expect her to die anytime fact with the all of the new stuff they are trying on her, she might well live to be 150 years old!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

Wow! On New Year's Eve, we had a spend-the-night of epic proportions! I allowed the girls to each invite 2 friends for the festivities all the while questioning myself...Have you lost your mind?!

Leila's two friends had NEVER been to a sleep over. We kept them busy with fireworks, the original Pippi Longstocking movie, cookies & milk, poppers (filled with confetti), the Wii (gaming system), taco night, and just hanging out in their rooms. Of Leila and her friends one went to sleep at 1am, another went to sleep at 2am and the last one went to sleep at 3am. The one who went to sleep at 3am woke up at 6am!

David told Brooke and her friends that if they stayed up till 5am, as they were planning, he would give the $2 each. Now, I must say that it is sad when Brooke's friends know how cheap her father is and jump on the chance to make him give them money! LOL! They did stay up till 5am, and David is out $6! I was shocked at how much 6th grade girls can eat! This same trio just nibbled at their food last year...this year everything was gone before I could get it out of the oven or off the stove!

Cracked me up...of course, these same girls, being SOOO mature at the ripe old age of 11, went gaga over sparklers! It was so funny! All 6 of the girls were walking around the back yard with those and laughing like crazy! (They had to walk as we don't run with fire! ;) ) David also had to shoot off some bigger fireworks for the girls to see.

I will say that I felt it a great way for the girls to end one year and start another, for us too! This is the second year we have had a sleep-over for New Year's and am thinking that it will be a tradition as long as we can hold on to it!

Sunday, December 28, 2008 a glance!

What a wonderfully busy month December has been!

The first weekend in December I signed "O, Holy Night" with Hands to Serve (sign group) at Union Hill Baptist Church. It was truly a blessing to help lead worship in that way. I have grown to love signing more that I ever thought I would!

The second weekend, I took the girls to Christmas in the Country (at Union Hill) and they had their Christmas concert at our church on Sunday evening. The music from both was wonderful and we had the chance to take a couple of Brooke's close friends with us. It reminded me of some of my own friends from school!

Between the second weekend and the third weekend, I was SLAMMED! On Wednesday of that week, the girls and I went caroling with the children's group at our church to some of the local nursing homes. It was very bitter sweet as we went to the nursing home that David's grandmother passed away in for the first time since her passing. Brooke (my tender heart), was fine until we turned down "the pink hall." That was when the waterworks started. We were able to find Granny's old roommate from there and it helped a little. The next night was the Christmas program for the kindergarten I where I work. My students are 5 years old and I taught them the sign for "O Holy Night" as I was learning it! BEAUTIFUL! It was almost flawless! I had a couple that were somewhat nervous as we were about to go on, but after reminding them that we were leading in worship and worshiping~not performing~and a prayer they were good to go with no jitters!

The third weekend, I was at Fowler Springs Baptist Church in Blountsville. One of my students attends there and is very, very shy. However, when his music director asked he and I to do our signing after the program, he looked at me and said he would do it if I would! Well, I was certainly not going to let him down at that point as he was taking a HUGE step! It went great and I honestly felt like I had gone back home as I saw people I had not seen in years! However, when the music director introduced me he had to use my maiden name because they didn't know who "Tasha Price" was!

Finally, Christmas! We spent Christmas Eve Day with David's family, went to the church for the service, and then back to Mom's for a while (we did the big family Christmas with them on Saturday). She said that it felt like Christmas even though we all weren't there, just to do something on Christmas Eve. Christmas day was spent at home...I had almost forgotten what this place looked like! LOL! Really, we took the day to relax...that is of course after Leila woke at 6am because she just knew that she heard Santa!

All in all, this has been a great Christmas season. I was blessed with chances to serve that I never thought possible, and look forward to what God has in store for the next year.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

I am so excited that the Holidays are here! We have already had a very busy season and from the look of my calendar, there is more to come!

Last weekend we took Leila on her first ever "Mommy and Daddy ONLY" trip! Brooke was on a special trip with David's parents, so we took Leila away! Leila decided to go to Nashville, TN! We walked all around the Gaylord Resorts (beautiful), walked through ICE, and shopped at the Opry Mills Mall! This was built where Opryland used to be! The only thing left of Opryland that I noticed was the Thunder River!

This year we had Thanksgiving at my house! It was great! I did all the cooking and no one died! LOL! Of course, along with the cooking came the cleaning~but it was okay!! Brooke wants to learn to do some "real" cooking, but before we embark on allowing her full range in the kitchen, she has to learn to clean the kitchen. She helped me with the dishes and to make a pumpkin praline cheesecake!

I am so excited about Christmas this year! Already, my tree has been up for two weeks! I have been listening to Christmas music for over a month!!! I plan to fully enjoy the Christmas season this a way I have never enjoyed it before! In the past I have allowed the stress of the goings and comings to take over the true meaning behind all the glitz and bows. Not this year. Taking the time to sit, look at the tree, the ornaments on it, reflect on the birth of Jesus and remind my children about what the season means.

The next few weeks will be slammed...programs, music, wrapping gifts, parties, parades...but rest assured that those things will not overshadow what is important.

Merry CHRISTmas!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Age...Just a Number?

Well, I hit 31 years old with a speed faster than lightening the end of August. 31...just how did that happen? Along with the 31 years, has also come the sagging of areas that were once "perky", the widening of areas that were once narrow, and the wrinkling of areas that were once smooth!

In an attempt to feel and look better, I have joined a local small gym here in town. In the MONTH that I have been working myself into a disgusting smelly sweat I have only lost a few pounds! Keep in mind that I have been eating as many raw foods as possible (salads with tons of veggies, fresh fruit, raw nuts...). When I was in my 20's I could cut back for a few days and drop 5 lbs in a week!

Okay, all that whining aside, there are perks to being in ones 30's. I am thankful to have lived this long, to have two wonderful little girls, and a great husband. The feeling of stability at this point is priceless for me!

For the birthday celebration, David and the girls made sure to include my favorite roses, chocolate, my favorite perfume, hugs, kisses, and singing! David called from a store on the way home to see what kind of cake/pie/anything that I would like. As I couldn't decide, he bought double chocolate/chocolate chip muffins! We walked in from church to him lighting a candle atop a muffin! The night before, Dave and Leila went to the store to pick out a gift for me (she REFUSED to make me another card this her words "I always have to make Momma a card!"). She presented me with a pink notebook and sparkly ink pen! So I would have somewhere to write the "grocery lists" and stuff!

All in all, even though I am 31, I have a wonderful life that I am so thankful for.